Purchasing trip - sainte-marie-aux-mines


Today was a truly fantastic day! We were completely in the flow and many unique gems came our way.

black, blue, green & pink


Everything was just right today, the right stones came our way such as these tourmalines. But the traders we did business with were also so nice, fun and pleasant.

For example, we purchased beautiful tourmalines from Afghanistan from a sweet boy (black, green, watermelon & pink). He had a nice, calm energy and gave us something to drink and two chairs so we could quietly explore all the beautiful parts, just when we wanted to buy water ourselves and were having trouble standing on our legs.

It was a nice process that involved fair consultation to arrive at the right price. I (Dion) used to be a bit rigid when negotiating because I didn't want to show how much I wanted the stones (I was afraid that the seller would no longer want to lower the price if I was too enthusiastic haha).

In the past, I sometimes even said to Clara while shopping: "Don't be too happy, take it easy!" 😂. It's so beautiful how we can always learn from all experiences and from each other.

And now we show our enthusiasm much more and that also gives a trader a nice feeling that someone sees and/or feels the beauty of his gemstones. This connects you more with each other ❤️

Tourmalines from Jaba mine

It was also quite an adventure at the next tourmaline purchasing location.

First of all, the tourmalines were beautiful. These come from the 'Jaba mine' in Afghanistan, which is known for tourmalines from multiple small rods that grow wider apart. This gives a very nice effect that clearly shows how the tourmaline rods have grown (see photo).

But there was also an immediate connection with the Afghan trader. We negotiated the price while laughing, with some jokes back and forth. Here too, the exchange felt so nice. When I hold the stones in my hand I feel the warmth of the moment again.

It is nice to hold on to this feeling when making the pendants so that it reaches you consciously or unconsciously ❤️

Location: Argentina

Rhodochrosite writings

Last year we were able to find a few and this year we bought a whole bunch from an Italian man who imports these pieces from Argentina. Not all pieces are perfect for a pendant, but by purchasing everything we got the best price.

He was another cute, sweet man who was at the fair with his wife.

Other new acquisitions:

Below you will find many more gemstones that we have purchased. There are actually many more fun stories to tell, but we are quite tired so we go to bed.

Tomorrow purchasing day #3 starts, so we want to start the day full of energy again.

Love from us ❤️
