Crown chakra gemstones

What does the Crown Chakra stand for?
The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is the seventh and highest chakra in the human energetic system and is located at the top of the head. This chakra represents our spiritual awareness and our connection to the universe and divine energy. It is the center of our higher consciousness and spiritual growth.
Crown chakra in balance
A balanced Crown chakra can help us feel connected to the greater whole and give us a deep sense of peace and tranquility. It opens us to spiritual experiences and can help us find our purpose in life. People with a balanced Crown chakra tend to be in harmony with themselves and the world around them.
What does an 'too open' crown chakra feel like?
However, an overly open Crown chakra can lead to feelings of disorientation and confusion. For example, people with an overactive Crown chakra may feel overwhelmed by spiritual experiences and tend to lose sight of reality. This can lead to a lack of focus and concentration in everyday life.
What does a 'too closed' crown chakra feel like?
A too closed Crown chakra can lead to feelings of alienation and separation. People with a blocked Crown chakra tend to feel disconnected from their spiritual side and may have trouble finding meaning in life. This can lead to a feeling of emptiness and a lack of purpose.
Which gemstones match the Crown chakra?
If you feel that your Crown Chakra is not yet balanced, Tanzanite , Apophyllite or Amethyst may be something for you. There are also other gemstones in this collection that are suitable for this, but the ones mentioned above best suit this Chakra.