Aquamarine pendant
On this page you will find our handmade Aquamarine pendants and read nice information about the Aquamarine gemstone . In our collection You can also find many other jewelry with more than 80 different types of other gemstones.
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Aquamarine gemstone
Aquamarine is a variety of the mineral beryl, can vary in color from blue to green. These color variations are mainly caused by the presence of iron ions within the crystal structure of the mineral.
Aquamarine meaning
Inner knowing, Higher communication & Emotional healing
First of all, this Aquamarine pendant radiates a particularly soft, loving and clear energy and is connected to the higher heart, which gives courage and clarity to express your inner knowledge. Then, as a gemstone of the element water, Aquamarine brings you into contact with your subconscious, your intuition and your deepest feelings, making you more sensitive to subtle energy and the spiritual world.
In addition, it brings movement to emotional numbness, which makes it easier to express your feelings and is very good for processing grief and trauma. In addition, it helps in releasing and clearing heavy luggage. The cooling energy of Aquamarine calms hot flashes and anger and is useful for shyness. Finally, the Aquamarine pendant helps you let go of attachment.
Did you know...
...Aquamarine in ancient times was used as a talisman while traveling across the seas? Interestingly enough, sailors in the Middle Ages believed that this gemstone would provide protection. As a result, many intaglios (stones with incised carvings) have been found in sea-rich areas over time.
Aquamarine and the Throat Chakra
The aquamarine pendant is associated with the throat chakra, essential for communication and self-expression. Its calming blue color reflects this chakra. This pendant helps the wearer communicate clearly and calmly. It soothes the throat and reduces fear of speaking, leading to better self-expression and open conversations. This makes the aquamarine pendant a useful instrument for strengthening communication skills. Are you curious about other gemstones that match the throat chakra? Then view our gemstone throat chakra page.