Chakra Gemstones
Discover all information about chakra gemstones on this page. We also explain more about this wisdom.
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are energy centers in our body that, according to traditional Indian medicine, also known as Ayurveda, are responsible for the balance and well-being of our physical, mental and spiritual bodies.
What are Chakra Gemstones?
Chakra gemstones are gemstones and crystals associated with the different chakras in our body. Each chakra has its own specific stone or several stones that help to strengthen, balance and clear the energy in that area.
Every human being has seven main chakras. These chakras are connected to each other through the spine, think of it as an energy flow. When this energy flows well through the chakras and is in balance, we feel healthy and happy.
If there are blockages or disturbances, this can lead to physical, mental or spiritual complaints. Working on balancing the chakras is called chakra therapy and can be done through the use of gemstones, meditation, yoga and breathing exercises, for example.
The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means disc . Every aspect of life is reflected in one of the seven chakras (discs).
By delving into chakras you can discover which chakra needs more attention, so that you can become an even more beautiful person ❤️
Did you know...
...all chakras are located in areas where the main nerves converge?

Root chakra, to be there and to have
- Colour: Red
- Element: Earth
- Goal: Foundation
- Challenge: Fear
The Root Chakra is the first chakra in the human energetic system. It is also called 'Muladhara' and is located at the bottom of the spine, near the tailbone.
The Root Chakra represents our basic needs such as survival, security and stability. It is connected to our physical body and our relationship to the world around us. A balanced root chakra can help us feel safe and grounded, while an unbalanced root chakra can lead to feelings of fear, uncertainty, and anxiety.
Root chakra out of balance
Too closed:
Anxious, little focus, little discipline, weak boundaries, financial problems
Too open:
Overweight, greed, lazy, addicted to certainty, fear of change, materialistic
Are you looking for a Root chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the root chakra? Then view our root chakra gemstone page.
Sacral chakra, to feel and have fun
- Colour: Orange
- Element: Water
- Goal: Movement and connection
- Challenge: Guilt
The Sacral chakra is the second chakra in the human energetic system. It is also called 'Swadhisthana' and is located just below the navel, at the pelvic area.
The Sacral Chakra represents our ability to feel and experience pleasure. It is connected to our emotional body and creativity. A balanced Sacral Chakra can help us feel emotionally stable and balanced, while an unbalanced Sacral Chakra can lead to feelings of lethargy, frustration, and guilt.
Sacral chakra out of balance
Too closed:
Poor social skills, lack of desire or enthusiasm, excessive boundaries
Too open:
Emotional dependence, hypersensitivity, sexual addiction, weak boundaries
Are you looking for a Sacral Chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the Sacral Chakra? Then view our page sacrum chakra gemstone .
Solar plexus chakra, to act and to be a separate person
- Colour: Yellow
- Element: Fire
- Goal: Transformation
- Challenge: Shame
The Solar Plexus chakra is the third chakra in the human energetic system. It is also called 'Manipura' and is located in the abdominal area, just above the navel.
The solar plexus chakra represents our willpower, self-confidence and personal power. It is connected to our mental body and our relationships with others. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra can help us feel confident and powerful, while an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity, powerlessness, and submission.
Solar plexus chakra out of balance
Too closed:
Little energy, not knowing what you want, victim mentality
Too open:
Hyperactive, arrogant, strong ambitions, achievement oriented, need to be right.
Are you looking for a solar plexus chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the solar plexus chakra? Then view our solar plexus chakra gemstone page.
heart chakra, to act and to be a separate person
- Colour: Green
- Element: Air
- Goal: Love and balance
- Challenge: Sadness
The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra in the human energetic system. It is also called 'Anahata' and is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart.
The Heart chakra represents love, compassion and connection. It is connected to our spiritual body and our relationships with others and the world around us. A balanced Heart chakra can help us feel loving and compassionate, while an unbalanced Heart chakra can lead to feelings of loneliness, separation, and sadness.
Heart chakra out of balance
Too closed:
Withdrawn, critical, lonely, a closed heart
Too open:
Clingy to others, jealousy, sacrificial.
Are you looking for a Heart Chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the Heart chakra? Then view our page heart chakra gemstone .
Throat chakra, speaking the truth and being told.
- Colour: Light blue
- Element: Sound
- Goal: Communication and Creativity
- Challenge: Lies
The throat chakra is the fifth chakra in the human energetic system. It is also called 'Vishuddha' and is located in the area of the throat and neck.
The throat chakra stands for communication, self-expression and creativity. It is connected to our mental body and voice, both physically and symbolically. A balanced Throat Chakra can help us communicate clearly and effectively, while an unbalanced Throat Chakra can lead to problems with speaking, expressing emotions and creativity.
Throat chakra out of balance
Too closed:
Fear of speaking, difficulty expressing feelings, introverted
Too open:
Talking too much or interrupting others, gossiping
Are you looking for a throat chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the throat chakra? Then view our throat chakra gemstone page.
Third eye chakra, the right to see
- Colour: Indigo
- Element: Light
- Goal: Recognize patterns
- Challenge: Illusion
The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra in the human energetic system. It is also called 'Ajna' and is located in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows.
The third eye chakra represents our intuition, wisdom and imagination. It is connected to our inner selves and our ability to see and understand clearly. A balanced third eye chakra can help us feel intuitive and creative, while an unbalanced third eye chakra can lead to feelings of confusion and lack of focus.
Third eye chakra out of balance
Too closed
Insensitive, bad memory, little imagination, monopolarized (there is only one truth)
Too open
Hallucinations, Delusions, Obsessions & Nightmares
Are you looking for a Third eye chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the Third Eye chakra? Then view our third eye chakra gemstone page.
crown chakra, the right to know and learn
- Colour: Violet
- Element: Thought
- Goal: Understanding
- Challenge: Attachment
The Crown Chakra is the seventh chakra in the human energetic system and is also called 'Sahasrara'. It is located on top of the head and is connected to spirituality and higher consciousness.
The Crown Chakra represents our spiritual connection to the universe and the higher powers. It can help us to increase our awareness and find our inner peace and balance. A balanced Crown Chakra can lead to a sense of peace and harmony, while an unbalanced Crown Chakra can lead to confusion and feelings of alienation from the world around us.
Crown chakra out of balance
Too closed
Cinism about spirituality, rigid beliefs, apathy
Too open
Too busy with spirituality, separation with the earthly and the body
Are you looking for a Crown chakra gemstone?
Are you curious which gemstones belong to the Crown Chakra? Then view our page crown chakra gemstone .