Sacral chakra gemstones

What does the Sacral Chakra stand for?
The Sacral chakra, also known as Svadhisthana, is the second chakra in the human energetic system and is located at the level of the sacrum, just below the navel. This chakra represents our emotions, creativity and sexuality and is connected to our ability to enjoy life and experience pleasure.
Sacral chakra in balance
A balanced Sacral Chakra can help us feel emotionally balanced and increase our ability to enjoy life. It gives us a sense of creativity and sensuality and makes us feel comfortable in our relationships with others. People with a balanced Sacral Chakra tend to be open to new experiences and have healthy sexual energy.
What does a 'too open' Sacral Chakra feel like?
However, a too open Sacral chakra can lead to an excessive focus on pleasure and enjoyment. People with an overactive Sacral Chakra tend to be impulsive and can put themselves in dangerous situations. On the other hand, a too closed Sacral chakra can lead to feelings of boredom, depression and a lack of creativity. People with a blocked Sacral Chakra tend to feel inhibited in their expression and may have difficulty building emotional connections with others.
What does a 'too closed' Sacral Chakra feel like?
A too closed Sacral chakra can lead to feelings of boredom, depression and a lack of creativity. People with a blocked Sacral Chakra tend to feel inhibited in their expression and may have difficulty building emotional connections with others. This can lead to a lack of satisfaction and enjoyment in life.
Which gemstones match the Sacral Chakra?
If you feel that your Sacral Chakra is not yet balanced, Gold Topaz , Carnelian , Citrine or Spessartine Garnet might be something for you. There are also other gemstones in this collection that are suitable for this, but the ones mentioned above suit this chakra best.