functioning, constellations & chakras


Crystals have been loved for centuries for their healing properties and beauty. Gemstones work through the vibrations they give off.

Each gemstone has its own raw material composition and therefore its own vibration.

We have listed all gemstones for you in alphabetical order!


Purity, Insights & Compassion

Adular is connected to the divine feminine energy. She carries the energy of compassion, calmness, purity, inner beauty and strength.

Adular provides logical insight into the connection between feeling and understanding.

It makes you aware of your own feelings and balances your emotional experience and impulsive behaviour.

She helps you get in touch with your inner world and let go of old patterns that don't fit who you really are.

Adular supports the development of psychic abilities and helps to connect with your higher self, your inner "knowing".

Did you know...
...Adulaar is named after its site 'Adula-Alphen' in Switzerland?

Throat Chakra (5th Chakra) & Third Eye Chakra (6th Chakra)

Zodiac sign
Cancer , Capricorn & Pisces

Botswana Agate

Calmness, Inner Stability & Comfort

Botswana Agate is also called the 'Stone of Change'.
This stone promotes feelings of calmness, inner stability and maturity.

It is said to balance emotional, intellectual and physical energy. The reassuring, protective and soothing colors of this Agate match its harmonizing properties.
It strengthens flow, feelings of security, sensuality, self-esteem and self-confidence.Botswana Agate gives comfort in depression, loneliness, panic situations, sadness and after loss. It brings renewing energy after a difficult period and replenishes your life force. He teaches you acceptance, letting go of the old, and will push you to find solutions to your problems.

This stone is also known as a repellent of all types of negative and ill-intentioned energy. It also helps you break mental ties with manipulative influences and emotional suppression.

Did you know...
...Agate was first found in a Sicilian river?

Root chakra & Sacral chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Capricorn , Taurus & Scorpio

Black Agate

Acceptance, Emotional Stability & Inner Strength

Despite its black color , Black Agate is a soft and sweet stone. This powerful, grounding and protective stone is connected to the root chakra. It brings equilibrium, balance and stabilizes emotions. Black Agate gives inner strength and support to continue after a difficult period. It calms your head, relieves fear and helps to process grief. This stone gives you insight into your shadow sides and helps you accept situations.
It removes negative energy from your body, thoughts and aura and brings new positive energy.

This Agate teaches you to take your destiny into your own hands. It gives self-confidence, structure, focus and helps you make good decisions. Communication is smoother, emotional expression becomes easier and you feel more at ease in your surroundings.
On a spiritual level, Black Agate helps you to become more physically powerful in your body and to ground spiritual energy in the body. He also strengthens contact with the supernatural.

Did you know...
...Agate was first found in a Sicilian river?

Root chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Capricorn , Taurus & Scorpio


Cheerfulness, Calmness & Love

Amazonite is a cheerful, yet calm gemstone with a warmed love energy similar to that of the sun. This gemstone has a healing effect on the heart and strengthens loving communication.

It brings relief to trauma and relieves worries and fears. He helps you to live from your heart, not your head.

This gemstone helps with separation anxiety, new situations and saying goodbye. He lets you get used to a situation in a gentle and sweet way.

Amazonite also protects against radiation and negative energy from the outside.

Did you know...
... the name Amazonite refers to the Amazon? It used to be thought that this was the location of this beautiful green gemstone. However, this gemstone was never found in the Amazon region and its beautiful name is based on a small mistake.

Heart chakra & Crown chakra

Zodiac sign
Aquarius , Pisces , Virgo & Libra


Purification, Transformation & Higher Consciousness

Amethyst is a powerful, purifying and protective spiritual stone connected to the energy of transformation.

He helps you connect with your intuition, your higher self and your divine origin.

Amethyst helps you to gain deeper insights into your life experiences.

It purifies the aura and blocks negative energies by helping you build an energy shield around your body.

This stone stimulates clear thinking. It helps to make decisions and gives inner and mental peace. Amethyst also relieves anger, fear, concern, suffering and sadness.

Did you know...
...centuries ago the Greeks and Romans drank wine from Amethyst glasses? They thought this would make them less drunk.

Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra

Zodiac sign
Aquarius , Sagittarius , Aries & Pisces


Optimism, Power & Higher Consciousness

Ametrine is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine. This gemstone brings together the inner peace of Amethyst with the optimism of Citrine.

He connects your own light (Amethyst) with your own strength (Citrine).

This gemstone reduces stress and tension in the head. Due to its powerful cleansing properties, it expels negativity from the aura and from the body. It gives energy when tired and helps with depressed feelings.

This highly energetic stone stimulates creativity, talents, increases concentration and helps you to lead your own life. He removes emotional blockages and provides insight into the underlying causes. He balances duality and helps you see the similarities between yourself and the other.

Did you know...
...the name of Ametrian is a compound of Ame(thist) and (ci)tirien?

Solar Plexus Chakra & Crown Chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Sagittarius , Taurus , Scorpio & Libra

Green Apophyllite

Softness, Nature & Harmony

Green Apophyllite carries the energy of gentle love, peace, healing, harmony and abundance. She is connected to the energy of nature, the earth and its inhabitants and promotes connection and communication with the elven, plant and animal kingdoms.

This hopeful stone helps you better understand life and love, making it easier to let go of pride, ego and fears.

She teaches forgiveness and helps heal pain, paralysis, restraint and feelings of suffocation.

She helps you leave your cynicism behind and enjoy life on earth as a child full of wonder.

Green Apophyllite helps you see all sides of an issue, making it easy to make decisions.

Her purifying energy supports and protects you in a negative or polluted environment and brings vitality and health to your aura.

Did you know...
…Apophyllite is formed in the cavities of volcanic rock?

Heart chakra & Crown chakra

Zodiac sign
Gemini & Libra


Inner knowing, Higher communication & Emotional healing

Aquamarine radiates a particularly soft, loving and clear energy.

It is connected to the higher heart and gives courage and the clarity to express your inner knowing.

As a gemstone of the element water, Aquamarine brings you into contact with your subconscious, your intuition and your deepest feelings. It helps you to become more sensitive to subtle energy and the spiritual world.

It brings movement into emotional numbness making it easier to express your feelings and is very good for processing grief and trauma. It assists in unloading and clearing heavy luggage. The cooling energy calms hot flashes and anger and helps with shyness. Aquamarine helps you release attachments.

Did you know...
...Aquamarine was used in ancient times as a talisman while traveling the seas? Sailors believed that this gemstone would give protection. As a result, many intaglios (stones with carved images) have been found in sea-rich areas over time.

throat chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Libra , Scorpio , Aquarius & Pisces


Tranquility, Authenticity & Well-being

Aventurine has a calming and protective effect on the heart. It promotes a sense of well-being and balances yin and yang.

Aventurine helps you stay true to yourself, teaches you to live from your heart and follow your own path from there.

This stone connects intellect with emotion. He helps you to find the causes of discomfort and solves them with his calming energy. It also has a calming effect on anger and irritation and helps you recover emotionally.

This stone carries the energy of prosperity and happiness and motivates you to make your dreams come true.

It strengthens tolerance, patience, enthusiasm, empathy, perseverance and new ideas. Aventurine also absorbs electromagnetic pollution.

Did you know...
…the Chinese used to use Aventurine as powerful amulets? It was believed that the gemstone would help with prosperity and health, both physical and mental.

Heart chakra

Zodiac sign
Aquarius , Cancer , Sagittarius , Taurus & Pisces


Insight, Consciousness & Creativity

Azurite is the gem of insight. From ancient wisdom, this gemstone appears to raise consciousness. This makes it easier to gain insights into your own learning processes. It is a useful gemstone to wear if you want to discover the spiritual tones within yourself.

On an emotional level, Azurite cleanses old fears and repressed emotions. This stone also helps to reduce worries and stress.

On a mental level, Azurite stimulates focus, memory and creative thinking. This gemstone makes curious, eager to learn and inspires to come up with new visions.

Did you know...
...the ancient Egyptians used the pigment of Azurite as eye shadow?

Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign

Rock crystal

Purity, Strengthening & Balance

Clear Quartz is a very powerful healer and energy enhancer. This stone carries the energy of clarity and the Divine light.

Rock crystal cleanses and strengthens all chakras and organs and balances them. It regulates, absorbs and energizes.

Due to its purity, rock crystal strengthens the effect of other gemstones and protects the aura against radiation.

Mentally, rock crystal promotes concentration and clear thinking. It helps to adopt a neutral attitude and solve problems.

On a spiritual level, this crystal raises your energy to the highest possible level. He also helps you to establish a clear connection with your higher self and higher leadership.

Did you know...
...the Romans used to 'sabble' on the rock crystal? She believed it worked well against thirst.

All chakras

Zodiac sign
Leo & Capricorn


Creativity, Power & Grounding

Carnelian has a grounding, activating and vitalizing effect. It strengthens the physical body and grounds you in reality.

He makes steadfast, helpful, idealistic and attracts success.

It also promotes the ability to solve problems quickly and pragmatically. He gives you courage to make decisions and helps you take a new path.

Carnelian has a positive effect on creativity and sexuality. This uplifting and motivating stone gives confidence and strength. Because of this, it also has a positive effect on depression, apathy and confusion.

It is a powerful stone that protects against negative emotions of others such as jealousy and anger and therefore prevents abuse.

Did you know...
...ancient Egyptians used carnelian to stanch profuse bleeding wounds

Sacral Chakra

Zodiac sign
Cancer , Aries , Gemini & Virgo

Chrome diopside

Intellect, Intuition & Emotional Renewal

This analytical and very loving stone promotes intellectual abilities, creativity, calmness, intuition and higher consciousness. He helps you find your emotional center and to feel and honor your real thoughts, emotions and feelings. Diopsite shows you that there is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings and letting go. This stone brings understanding and logic by analyzing situations and feelings.

Diopsite teaches you the value of trust and forgiveness and helps nudge you gently in the direction of making the first step. With feelings of loss, he helps you to let go of needs and to become aware of your gifts. This stone brings emotional renewal and teaches compassion for the pain of the other. When you feel overwhelmed, he teaches you to live in appreciation and joy and helps you put your problems in perspective. In case of blockages, he opens you to new plans and ideas.

Diopsite opens your heart to divine love and devotion and helps to connect and communicate with spirit guides, the Earth and all her beings. He teaches you to understand your role in the bigger picture, to take responsibility in this and to follow the directions of your intuition. Its powerful grounding cord ensures that excess energy from the body is absorbed by the Earth and a shortage of energy is replenished. It allows powerful life energy to flow through your spine and all your chakras.

Did you know...
...the name of this crystal comes from the Greek word 'chroma' which means 'colour'?

Heart Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign


Self Confidence, Optimism & Clarity

Citrine radiates the warming, stimulating power of the sun. It stimulates joie de vivre, optimism, playfulness and happiness. This stone helps you overcome anger, depression and feelings of anxiety and revitalizes the mind. It increases feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence. Citrine enhances individuality, strengthens willpower, motivates, makes creative and encourages you to be outgoing.

Citrine teaches you how to manifest prosperity, success and all good things. He helps you overcome fear of responsibility, develop a positive attitude and go with the flow. It stimulates self-expression and helps you to articulate your ideas, needs, thoughts, wishes and feelings.

This stone helps to analyze and understand information and to solve problems. It promotes concentration, intellect, inner peace, mental clarity and self-discipline.

Citrine helps you to see problems with power use and boundaries and to free yourself from oppressive influences and destructive tendencies. This stone makes you aware of repetitive patterns of self-limiting thoughts that hold you back and dispels any challenge or negative emotion that blocks your path to happiness.

Citrine helps you to process impressions and to be more self-aware and alert. It activates your connection to your divine nature, makes you more intuitive and helps you hear your inner voice. It increases your psychic abilities and understanding of psychic information.

Did you know...
...the Romans saw Citrine as a piece of the sun? The Romans believed that this gemstone absorbed sunlight.

Solar plexus chakra

Zodiac sign
Gemini , Taurus , Virgo , Leo & Sagittarius


Serenity, Clarity & Illumination

Danburite is a very high vibration crystal of pure white light. This crystal is strongly connected to angelic energies and helps you receive guidance from your spirit guides. It gives self-confidence, improves brain function, information processing and creativity.

Danburite is a calming stone that helps you speak the truth without hurting the feelings of others. It helps you release unwanted emotions from the past and overcome negative thoughts about yourself. This crystal keeps you positive during major changes and helps you overcome shock and trauma. It reduces sadness, worry and fatigue and helps to release fear, resentment and anger. He brings comfort, ease, patience and inner peace.

This is a stone for harmony and beneficial, valuable relationships. He helps you maintain a cooperative attitude to create happiness. Danburite enhances feelings of gratitude, making it easier to receive and give help. This crystal teaches you to stand in your power, to set boundaries and to understand the importance of cooperation with others.

Danburite aligns you with your divine purpose and your sacred heart. He naturally attracts love, well-being, peace and serenity. He brings feelings of grace, surrender, works ego-dissolving and helps you on the path to enlightenment.

Did you know...
... Danburite is named after its original location, after the city of 'Danbury' in the United States?

Heart Chakra , Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra

Zodiac sign

Yellow Apatite

Manifestation, Optimism & Mental Clarity

Yellow Apatite is also called the 'Stone of Manifestation'. It is one of the purest crystals with the energy of mental clarity, willpower and manifestation. Its sunny energy gives hope and passion for life, and strengthens feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence. He teaches you to use your personal power positively to achieve goals.

This stone stimulates the intellect to increase knowledge and truth, which can be used for personal growth or for the collective good. It strengthens the connection to the inner self and helps to use your consciousness to be of service in the world.

Yellow Apatite fights lethargy, depression, fatigue and apathy and provides an optimistic, invigorating and lively social attitude.

Yellow Apatite is good for starting new ventures and gives the courage to take risks. He encourages creative ideas and puts them into practice, as well as developing the business skills needed to live off your passions. This stone helps to absorb and process new information. He removes old blocks that can limit the acceptance of prosperity or abundance and overcomes the fear of success.

Did you know...
…Yellow Apatite is also called belovite?

Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra

Zodiac sign
Leo , Scorpio & Aries

Gold topaz

Optimism, Solar Power & Manifestation

The name Topaz is derived from the word 'fire' in Sanskrit and its energy is like a pure sunbeam in matter. He brings the golden light of the sun to earth and relieves gloomy, irritable and depressed feelings. Gold Topaz helps with fatigue, both physically and mentally. He gives joy, optimism, strengthens the will and gives a sunny mood. It helps you act from your own insight and inner solar power and strengthens your self-esteem. This Topaz gives charisma, confidence and makes you proud of your skills, while at the same time remaining generous and open-hearted. It works powerfully on the heart and solar plexus chakra and helps people to enter your heart.

Topaz replaces negativity with love, joy and success. It promotes individuality, creativity and gives confidence in your decisions. This stone allows you to understand actions and the interrelationship between things. It promotes the expression of ideas and inspires confidence in the universe, regardless of the outcome. Topaz's attracting energy serves as a catalyst for manifestation.

Gold Topaz makes serene and strengthens clairvoyance and intuition. It recharges the spiritual and physical body, helps you align with the highest forces in the universe and reminds you of your divine origin. Topaz can also be used to manifest health and correct disorders in the body.

Did you know...
...Gold topaz is also called 'Imperial Topaz', which means 'imperial topaz'?

Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra

Zodiac sign
Gemini & Sagittarius

Red Garnet

Passion, Dedication & Determination

Garnet is a powerful energizing and regenerating stone. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy and brings serenity and passion. Garnet inspires love, devotion and reduces emotional disharmony.

He helps with crisis and trauma in situations where there seems to be no way out. Grenade activates and strengthens the survival instinct. He gives you courage, hope and helps you see the bright side of difficult situations by recognizing that all things work out for the better in the end.

Garnet sharpens your image of yourself and other people. He removes inhibitions and taboos laid down by others. This stone encourages self-confidence, honoring yourself and helps you set boundaries with others. Use it when you want to declare your case and take up your space.

Garnet keeps you focused on your creative power and is good for manifesting. This stone is connected to your vital life force and helps to improve your libido and love life. He carries the energy of passion, determination and helps you achieve your goals. Garnet dissolves ingrained behavior patterns, self-sabotage and outdated ideas that no longer serve you. Garnet is an awakening stone that inspires enlightenment and activates kundalini energy. Because of its strong charge, it is wise to avoid this stone when you are irritated or angry.

Red Garnet gives vitality, stability, creativity and charisma. This stone connects the grounding abilities of the base chakra with the wisdom of the crown chakra. Red Garnet brings an overwhelming positive energy of happiness, good mood and zest for life. It helps you fully enjoy your spiritual path, dissolves old negative emotions and is good for healing your inner child in a gentle and playful way.

Did you know...
…Garnet is one of the hardest gemstones?

Root chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Leo , Capricorn & Scorpio

Hessonite Garnet

Manifestation, Clarity & Emotional Healing

Hessonite Garnet brings the energy of prosperity, abundance, joy, creativity, confidence, instinct, mental healing, relaxation and clear vision. He helps you release your emotional, mental and spiritual burdens. Hessonite goes beyond resistance and the unconscious and dissolves useless ingrained behavior patterns, blockages, inhibitions and taboos.

Hessonite Garnet stimulates all aspects of your creative abilities and energy. It helps to let passion and sexual energy flow. It cleanses the chakras, gives strength and increases the flow of renewing life energy in the body.

Garnet helps you get out of a hectic period and change your life. It helps to overcome confusion and phobias, to deal with intense sadness and uncontrollable tantrums and gives hope and courage. It gives self-confidence so that you can express yourself easily and express yourself.

This Garnet gives concentration and helps you to take action that is aligned with your dreams and goals. He gives you courage, strength and the right state of mind to face challenges and seize new opportunities. He helps you make decisions with wisdom and confidence. He increases your knowledge of people and makes you useful.

Garnet strengthens intuition, stimulates an expanded consciousness and is known for its protective effect against negative energy. He guides you in finding the path to your divinity and spirituality by freeing you from your materialistic desires and limitations.

Did you know...
...Hessonite Garnet is also called 'Peach Garnet' because of its light orange color

Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Leo , Capricorn & Scorpio

Specartine Garnet

Creativity, Willpower & Manifestation

Spessartine Garnet is known as the Garnet of the Sun and is one of the lesser known and rare varieties of Garnet.

This powerful stone of creativity, sexuality and attraction enhances the power of manifestation, increases fertility and our own personal (will) power.

Spessartine Garnet encourages us to take actions toward our dreams, visions and goals. It reduces fear of failure and gives confidence to take new paths and change your life.

This stone encourages you to be more impulsive, spontaneous and intuitive. It improves analytical processes and strengthens the rational mind.

His energetic warmth strengthens the heart and gives the willingness to help others. By purifying the auric field, he dissolves blockages that stand in the way of manifestation.

Did you know...
... Spessartine Garnet is also called 'Mandarin Garnet' because of its orange color

Sacral Chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Leo , Capricorn & Scorpio


Calmness, Higher Consciousness & Logic

This Hackmanite is a sulfur-rich variant of Sodalite from Afghanistan, which changes color under the influence of light. Its energy is sweet, brave, confident, and promotes balance, joy, contentment, and tranquility. It has a very fine vibration while remaining connected to the earth. It provides access to the higher mind and connects it to the physical. He unites intuition with logic.

Because of the deep tranquility, calmness and peace that Hackmanite brings, it provides relief from psychotic problems, fears, addictions, phobias and guilt. It helps you understand situations you find yourself in, accept your shadow sides and helps you let go of fears that keep you from moving forward.

This stone helps you to stay true to yourself and your beliefs, while at the same time being open to new insights and possibilities. It increases your powers of observation and is therefore good at mediation and problem solving. It helps you to stay calm and recover from restlessness, making it easier for you to complete activities and tasks.

Hackmanite aids in breaking emotional and astral ties from past lives and other refined energetic planes. It makes deep meditation easier and removes electromagnetic pollution.

Did you know...
…Hackmanite becomes somewhat lighter in color in sunlight and changes back to its purple color in the absence of light?

Heart chakra & Crown chakra

Zodiac sign

Herkimer Diamant

Clarity, Divine Essence & Spiritual Embodiment

Herkimer Diamond has enormous luminosity and is a powerful healer.

This double-ended rock crystal is almost 500 million years old. Because of this form, it both sends out energy and receives energy. Herkimers are connected to the clear white light of the Divine Essence.

These crystals energize, promote creativity, cleanse your aura and make it crystal clear.

Herkimer Diamant stimulates clairvoyance and helps you to be in constant connection with higher spiritual worlds.

This liberating crystal of transformation makes your soul mission visible. It raises your vibration and helps you ground these spiritual energies in your body.

Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra

Zodiac sign


Creativity, Feminine energy & Decisiveness

Jade is the gemstone of happiness. From ancient wisdom, Jade appears to help you find your purpose in this life. This stone teaches you to listen to your body and mind. Jade has a positive energy and protects against negative outside influences. On a mental level, this stone makes creative and decisive.

Did you know... .
..Jade is also a useful gemstone to wear in case of heartbreak or grief?

Heart chakra

Zodiac sign
Libra & Pisces


Intuition, Communication & Higher Consciousness

Blue Kyanite stimulates self-awareness, intuition, psychic abilities and helps connect with guides. It helps break through blocks that keep you in the same endless inner dialogue and helps to create new pathways of energy flow that bring about instantaneous shifts in your perception.

Kyanite opens the throat chakra and helps you speak the truth. It stimulates self-expression and communication by breaking through fears and blockages.

This stone helps with communication between disharmonious people. It has a calming effect on emotions and your inner world. It stimulates a pleasant, peaceful character and relieves you of confusion, illusion, anger, frustration and stress.

Kyanite stimulates logical, rational thinking and spontaneous action where necessary. This is a good stone when studying or finding a solution to a problem. He helps you turn ideas into reality and makes you determined.

Kyanite brings balance and aligns the chakras and subtle energy bodies. It stimulates the third eye, psychic abilities and promotes communication with higher beings. It is a good transmitter of energy and facilitates telepathy and the transfer of energy from person to person. Kyanite helps you connect with your spirit guides and protect the auric field from intrusion. It grounds spiritual energy and promotes spiritual integrity and maturation. It aligns your spiritual being with higher levels of consciousness and enhances your ability to receive and transmit information on all levels.

Did you know...
...Kyanite is named after the Greek word 'Kyanos' which means blue?

Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Gemini , Libra , Sagittarius & Capricorn

Lapis Lazuli

Wisdom, Calmness & Self-Expression

Lapis Lazuli helps you to express your feelings and emotions. He brings deep rest and inner peace in times of stress. ​Lapis Lazuli helps you to take control of your life. It reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness and self-expression without restraint or compromise.

Lapis Lazuli brings honesty, compassion and harmonizes conflicts. It calms feelings of frustration and excitement and helps to overcome anger. It helps you deal with emotional turmoil resulting from abuse, martyrdom, cruelty and suffering. Its calming energy helps with inner child work and addictions.

He helps you to take responsibility for yourself instead of blaming others.

Lapis Lazuli brings objectivity, clarity and stimulates creative thinking. He helps you face the truth and accept it. It improves intellectual ability, concentration and focus and helps you tune in to higher knowledge.

This stone is beneficial for the integration of complex topics, auditions and job interviews.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of self-knowledge and reflection and is very useful for people who are very intelligent or have (characteristics of) autism. It allows you to perceive unconscious habits, patterns, motivations and beliefs that hinder spiritual progress and gives a clear positive perspective on life. It helps you identify your gifts and abilities, as well as your limitations and opportunities for growth.

Lapis Lazuli balances the throat chakra and teaches you the power of the spoken word. It blocks psychic attacks, stimulates enlightenment and strengthens spiritual and personal power. Lapis Lazuli opens your intuitive and psychic senses and enhances your ability to receive visual guidance or information, including in dreams.

Did you know...
... in the Middle Ages Lapis Lazuli used to be ground to use the pigment for blue paint?

Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Virgo & Sagittarius


Clarity, Harmony & Soft Joyful Love

Larimar brings the energy of purity, peace and love and works powerfully on the heart and the higher chakras. She balances your emotions, helps to express them and stimulates loving and clear communication. Larimar restores the divine connection between thinking and feeling and helps you to trust your innate power. She makes you joyful, lively and good mood. This stone brings inner peace and helps you to stay calm and relaxed during major changes in your life. She helps release judgment and combats and soothes pain, depression, loss, anxiety, stress, anger, self-doubt, phobias and panic attacks.

Larimar opens the throat chakra and brings clarity, an open mind, simplicity, yin energy and certainty. This stone makes constructive thinking easier, stimulates creativity and helps you go with the flow. She helps connect you to your feminine, intuitive and receptive nature and helps women connect to their Divine Feminine nature. Larimar teaches the value of self care and self respect. She helps you see yourself and free yourself from unhealthy inner bonds with others or principles. Larimar's empowering energy removes self-imposed blockages, limitations and self-sabotage. She soothes a wounded heart and helps you take proper control of your life.

Larimar allows you to effortlessly reach a deep meditative state. It raises consciousness, brings inner freedom and harmonizes body and soul. She helps you to come home to yourself and to feel at home on earth. Larimar stimulates telepathic communication, rebirth, contact with angels and communication with other realms. She guides your soul to your true life path and helps you ground your higher aspects in your body so that you can start living from your higher aspect of being.

Did you know...
…Larimar is rarer than diamond? This gemstone is only found in one place on earth, near the village of 'Chupaderos' in the Dominican Republic.

Solar plexus chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Leo , Scorpio , Sagittarius & Pisces


Intuition, Emotional Balance & Femininity

Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings. She is strongly connected to the moon and reminds us that everything is part of a cycle of change. This stone makes the unconscious conscious, promotes intuition and empathy and balances the hormonal system.

Moonstone carries the energy of receptive, passive, feminine energy.

She balances the masculine and feminine. This stone helps men and women to get in touch with their feminine side.

Moonstone calms emotional instability, emotional triggers, stress and overreactions to situations. She helps you organize your emotions and gain a higher perspective on their meaning and purpose. She helps to let go of frustration, to remain objective, to increase your patience and to stimulate appropriate action.

Moonstone encourages reflection and self-observation for self-improvement and spiritual growth. She teaches you to see your actions and reactions to others without judgment. This stone cleanses negative energy from your aura and chakras. She is connected to the pineal gland and enhances psychic abilities.

Did you know...
...the ancient Greeks and Romans planted and decorated trees with moonstone for a better harvest

Sacral Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Cancer , Capricorn & Pisces

Mew Sit Sit

Inner Contemplation, Meditation & Optimism

In other words Sit Sit is the gemstone of inner contemplation. It is the ideal stone to use in meditations. In other words, Sit Sit lets you see the beauty of the world again and also proves to be useful during more difficult phases in life. The Asians described Maw Sit Sit as 'a breath of fresh air that makes you feel refreshed after a busy day'.

Did you know...
...In other words, Sit Sit was only discovered in 1963 in Burma (Myanmar)? The gemstone is named after the village located at the foot of the Himalayas where religious and healing consciousness has prevailed for thousands of years.

Heart Chakra , Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra

Zodiac sign


Feeling, Processing & Nature

is the gem of feeling. Ancient wisdom shows that this stone helps to live less from your head and more from your heart. It is an emotional stone that provides support in the event of a divorce, death or intense grief.

On a spiritual level, this stone has a deep connection with nature, so the stone helps with sensitivity to the weather and the environment.

Mosopal blows like a breath of fresh air through your consciousness, patterns and helps to be more spontaneous and less heavy in life. The message of this stone is to live from feeling and harmony. This green stone is also associated with love, and supports the strengthening of sexuality and relationships.

Did you know...
…this Mosopal was found in Brazil?

Heart chakra

Zodiac sign
Cancer , Scorpio , Sagittarius & Pisces

Opal quartz

Wisdom, Intuition & Joy

Fire Opal is the gemstone of wisdom and intuition. Fire Opal's message is to feel that we are made up of body, mind and soul. Fire opal helps to balance these three forms of consciousness so that every form of 'being' comes into its own.

On an emotional level, Fire Opal supports grief and experiencing emotions. Especially serious people benefit greatly from this stone. Fire opal loosens up and makes you happier.

Did you know...
...the ancient Greeks believed that Fire Opal aided clairvoyance?

Heart chakra & Crown chakra

Zodiac sign
Sagittarius , Cancer , Aquarius , Pisces , Aries & Scorpio


Processing, Rest & Feeling

Peridot is a powerful emotional cleanser and protects the aura. It helps neutralize and purify pollution on all layers and provides relief from jealousy, resentment and stress.

Peridot makes you calm, so that you can more easily get in touch with your inner world. It helps you to talk about your emotions and to take responsibility for your own life.

He brings you into contact with your feeling, and invites you to live from your heart, in a new consciousness. Peridot strengthens contact with guides and spiritual gifts. He helps communicate your truth, in alignment with your heart and higher consciousness.

Did you know...
...Peridot is one of the few gemstones that originates very deep in the earth? The deeper the stone grows into the earth, the more transparent and richer the color of Peridot is.

Solar Plexus Chakra & Heart Chakra

Zodiac sign
Virgo , Leo , Scorpio & Sagittarius

Rainbow Moonstone

Intuition, Spiritual Protection & Femininity

Rainbow Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings. She is strongly connected to the moon and reminds us that everything is part of a cycle of change. This stone makes the unconscious conscious, promotes intuition and empathy and balances the hormonal system.

In addition to the general properties of Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone mainly works on a spiritual level. Rainbow Moonstone is connected to the energies of the Goddess and enhances your feminine aspects and communication with energies and spirits of nature, from plant beings to galactic consciousness.

Rainbow Moonstone helps clear the psychic senses and mind and brings joy to your energy field. It is a positive protection stone that deflects negative energy before they enter your energy field. This gives psychic protection and helps maintain clarity while working on an intuitive level. Rainbow Moonstone also helps clear the emotional body and relieves emotional trauma.

This Moonstone activates and aligns all chakras while keeping you grounded and centered. This stone is recommended for those who experience almost daily stress or for those who carry old emotional wounds or sadness. Rainbow Moonstone promotes healthy optimism, helping you overcome obstacles, dark times and difficult connections.

Did you know...
...Rainbow Moonstone is actually a Labradorite? This white gemstone with rainbow-colored reflection has become so popular that it has been given its own name.

Sacral Chakra

Zodiac sign
Cancer , Libra , Capricorn & Pisces


Love, Comfort, Softness

Rhodochrosite is the gemstone for generous love, compassion, self-expression and emotional healing. It softens the heart, gives self-esteem and reduces stress and irrational fears.

Rhodochrosite has a comforting, safe energy that can be used in trauma and brings softness and support to painful experiences. It also helps to accept your feelings after/during shock and to express them without closing down.

He brings relief and positive energy to depressed moods. He helps to learn from your painful experiences and see the lessons from this. Rhodochrosite brings you to yourself and helps integrate new information.

Did you know...
...the Indians used to wear Rhodochrosite as an amulet to attract the right partner and true love?

Heart chakra

Zodiac sign
Leo & Scorpio

Red Jasper

Determination, Courage & Vitality

Red Jasper works on the base chakra and is a stone of determination, endurance and life force. It reactivates your passion for life, stimulates energy flow, sexual pleasure and gives new energy.

Jasper gives courage, willpower and supports during conflicts and stimulates sincerity and honesty towards yourself and others. Its "war" like energy stimulates the ability to protect yourself and others and achieve your goals. Jasper gives courage to tackle unpleasant tasks.

This stone stimulates imagination and ideas and helps to turn them into action. It gives focus, mental stamina and helps you to pursue and achieve your goals with determination. It promotes organizational skills and helps to think quickly and ahead.

Jasper balances your chakras and aura and grounds energies in the body. It cleanses and absorbs negative energy and balances yin and yang elements. He unites all aspects of your life, making you whole within yourself.

Did you know...
…in the Middle Ages, this gemstone was really a 'men's stone'. During this period, Red Jasper was incorporated into weapons so that it would enhance the owner's strength and courage.

Root chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Scorpio , Capricorn , Virgo & Cancer


Knowledge, Wisdom & Serenity

Sapphire is known as the stone of wisdom and wise leadership. It brings peace of mind, harmony and serenity, restoring physical, mental and spiritual balance. This calming stone helps to balance emotions and better understand your feelings.

It increases your inner strength, self-understanding, self-confidence and improves self-esteem. Sapphire helps with anger, frustration, depression, spiritual confusion, mental illness and delusions. It strengthens one's own opinion, communication, insight, intuition, inspiration and promotes self-expression.

Sapphire sharpens mental ability and helps with purposeful focus. It reduces confusion and provides clarity and understanding. He helps you to concentrate on the task at hand, gives an eye for detail and brings order.

It helps you let go of unnecessary thoughts, stimulates sobriety and the ability to criticize. Saffier encourages you to look critically at your own life and to let go of everything that no longer serves you. As your intentions become clear, both ideas and thoughts will soon be realized.

This stone stimulates and cleanses the pituitary gland (third eye), thyroid gland (throat chakra) and the auric field. It stimulates silence, contemplation, understanding and the desire for knowledge, wisdom and truth. Sapphire clears distortions and brings spiritual knowledge. It stimulates your psychic abilities and helps you attune to yourself, your guides and higher realms. Sapphire gives straightforwardness and the ability to direct spiritual energies towards a single goal.

Did you know...
…Sapphire is the national stone of Greece?

Heart Chakra , Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Taurus , Virgo , Pisces , Libra


Balance, Recovery & Joy of Life

Emerald is a green Beryl species that works on the heart chakra. He restores physical, emotional and spiritual balance. Beryl has a balancing effect on the nervous system in case of nervousness and emotional outbursts caused by excessive stress.

It increases courage, calms the mind and helps you not to be overcome by fear. It removes distractions, reduces overstimulation and the need to overanalyze things.

Beryl gives a zest for life when tired and stimulates a positive view of the world. He helps you shed unwanted emotional baggage. In relationships, Beryl strengthens friendship, love and unity and keeps you mentally young.

Beryl stimulates feelings of security, self-confidence, patience and determination. This centering stone helps you to be purposeful and effective, but at the same time versatile, forward-looking and full of joy. He guides you in the next step in your life path and helps you realize your potential. Beryl gives mental clarity, strengthens memory, inspires inner knowledge and broadens vision.

This stone of wisdom promotes truth and discernment and helps you to speak fluently and melodiously.

Emerald helps to overcome setbacks and helps you to enjoy life intensely. He brings balance, openness, recovery and regeneration. It also stimulates spiritual growth, clairvoyance, a sense of beauty, harmony and justice.

Did you know...
...the name of this gemstone is derived from the Latin word ' smaragdus', which means ' green stone' ?

Heart Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Cancer , Virgo & Aquarius


Energy Renewal, Enjoyment & Victory

Spinel is a stone for energy renewal, new hope and overcoming difficult circumstances. It reduces fatigue and replenishes depleted energies on all levels. This stone helps you shift into a lower gear, center yourself, let go of your resistance and worries and calms the brain and nervous system.

Red Spinel unblocks the base chakra and creates a strong connection between the base and heart chakra, drawing vital energy into the physical body. Red Spinel is a soothing healer for anxiety, anger, stress, panic, depression and the emotional need for excessive control. Red Spinel helps you to help others. It stimulates a loving, attentive and giving attitude towards a partner and helps you convert excessive sexual energy into love.

Spinel helps you appreciate the beauty of life and the world. It helps you take more time to enjoy life's true abundance, rather than chasing the illusion of financial security. Spinel relieves the burden of negative thought patterns, enhances the positive aspects of your personality and helps you achieve and accept success with humility.

Spinel stimulates inspiration, out-of-the-box thinking and new ideas. It helps you develop a new and fresh self-image by letting go of negative beliefs about yourself. Spinel inspires you to take on challenges and do whatever it takes to fulfill your soul desire. It is an excellent protector and etheric cleanser, dispelling negative energies from the auric field. It helps to move kundalini energy up the spine, balances Ch'i energy and removes blockages in the energy flow.

Did you know... the past Spinel was often seen as Ruby? Only in the 18th century did the French mineralogist succeed in distinguishing between the raw material compositions of these two precious stones.

Root chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Scorpio & Sagittarius


Intuition, Logic & Self Confidence

Sodalite is also called the 'Stone of the Thinker'. It stimulates honesty, truth, intuition, inner wisdom and creativity.

On a mental level, it brings order and tranquility, stimulates rational thinking, objectivity, and the correct expression of feelings. Sodalite unites logic with intuition and pulls information from the higher mind into the physical body.

Sodalite is a good protection stone for those who dare to live courageously. It increases your self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-confidence. This stone brings harmony and solidarity and the pursuit of a goal in a group of people.

Sodalite gives strength and comfort and helps you to continue after a difficult situation. It brings emotional balance, calms panic attacks and dispels old fears, phobias and guilt. It helps to free you from control mechanisms and old mental conditionings.

Did you know...
...centuries ago many Roman sculptors, singers and painters wore Sodalite? The ancient Greeks believed that the gemstone would promote artistic talents.

Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Virgo & Sagittarius

Tiger eye

Optimism, Emotional Stability & Willpower

Tiger's eye brings together the warm energy of the sun and the stable energy of the earth. He brings clear awareness and integrates the spiritual with the physical. He teaches balance between duality and gives insight into the underlying unity.

Tiger's eye inspires creativity and the use of your talents and capacities. It helps to bring it into the world and gives you the willpower, focus, and stability to keep it. This optimistic stone helps you find your purpose and stimulates hope and confidence in the future.

This practical and balanced stone promotes harmony between people with different points of view and beliefs, helping to find common ground. Internally, he helps to heal self-criticism, internal battles, especially those caused by jealousy, self-will and pride.

Tiger's Eye brings inner vision and gives a better understanding of the cause and effect of any situation. He brings information together into a coherent whole. He teaches integrity, the proper use of power, and protection by seeing through the negative intentions of others.

Tiger's Eye teaches you to make decisions based on reason, making it supportive of change in all aspects of your life. He is very supportive of addictions and increases personal will to bring about positive change.

Spiritually, Tiger's Eye enhances the higher will and clarity of intent to reflect the divine in every action taken in the world.

Did you know...
...the Tiger's Eye used to be as expensive as a diamond? The price plummeted when large quantities were found.

Root chakra & Solar plexus chakra

Zodiac sign
Gemini & Leo

Blue Tourmaline

Higher consciousness, Calmness & Pure communication

Blue Tourmaline is a calming stone connected to higher spiritual consciousness. It is strongly connected to the throat chakra and promotes self-expression and honest and open communication. He helps with dedication to achieve your goals and works protectively.

This soothing stone helps to bring to the surface pain and unprocessed emotions from childhood or past lives and helps you understand the reason for trauma and imbalance. It stimulates letting go of feelings, behavior patterns and connections with people who are not good for you.

Blue Tourmaline promotes intuition and provides insight into the reason for physical imbalance. With overactive thinking, it calms the mind so that your consciousness can develop further. He aligns the mind with divine energy.

Spiritually, Blue Tourmaline facilitates deep meditation, communication with higher beings and a Zen-like state of enlightened emptiness. It helps you let go of attachment to results and the past. You will be able to process psychic impressions that you receive during meditation more easily and share them verbally with others.

Did you know...
...Tourmaline only became known in Europe when Dutch sailors brought the stone from Sri Lanka?

Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac sign
Pisces & Libra

Brown Tourmaline

Grounding, (Self) acceptance & Strength

Brown Tourmaline is connected to the earth and its energy field and can help you make a strong connection with it.

He helps find emotional strength and self-acceptance and initiates deep healing for those who have experienced emotional trauma. Its gentle healing energy illuminates aspects of yourself that have been denied, or past experiences that seemed too painful to remember. It gives grounding and tranquility in case of overwhelming, fear and panic and gives renewed strength.

Brown Tourmaline helps those who feel unloved or unforgivable find compassion and acceptance for the total self. It helps change negative habits and patterns, such as overcoming addiction and self-abuse, and promotes vibrant health.

This stone enables you to see your spiritual path in concrete terms so that you can plan the steps needed to align your life with your spiritual purpose. He teaches you to manifest your highest self in your daily reality.

Physically, Brown Tourmaline is good for blood purification and for clearing and healing the lymphatic system. It aids in the absorption of nutrients from food and can help soothe intestinal disorders.

Did you know...
...Brown Tourmaline would work well against lower back problems?

Root chakra

Zodiac sign
Pisces , Scorpio , Aries & Libra

Yellow Tourmaline

Mental Clarity, Optimism & Purification

Yellow Tourmaline purifies the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your being. It promotes self-awareness and introspection, thereby helping with spiritual development.

Yellow Tourmaline balances emotions, mental clarity and relieves discomfort. In times of stress, anxiety and depression, he gives energy and feelings of calm during the chaos. It helps you put events in perspective, reminds you of the good things in your life, and helps you understand positivity. It promotes wisdom, joy, creativity, happiness and optimism.

The energies in this stone give you the courage and determination needed to take control of your own life. It stimulates your inner strength, breaks negative energy and converts it into inspiring, uplifting energy.

On a physical level, it promotes the immune system and detoxification. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and swelling.

Did you know...
...Tourmaline only became known in Europe when Dutch sailors brought the stone from Sri Lanka?

Solar Plexus Chakra

Zodiac sign
Pisces , Capricorn & Libra

Green Tourmaline

Abundance, Heart Connections & Divine Love

Green Tourmaline radiates the energy of nature's healing power. She attunes you to the energies of the Earth and Divine Love. Her loving energy opens your heart and teaches you to give and receive. She stimulates compassion, openness, mercy, tenderness, patience and a sense of belonging.

Green Tourmaline helps you improve your attitude and attract new, loyal, ethical, heart-centered friendships, business partners and relationships.

She teaches you that to attract this, you must learn to enjoy your own company.

Its invigorating and nourishing energy brings emotional growth and helps you become more expressive. She balances fear of change and compulsive disorders and reminds you to let the good of the universe flow through you.

Green Tourmaline teaches you to recognize that receiving is not the same as taking. She helps people who are afraid to give and takes away this fear of lack. This stone puts you in touch with the ever-flowing abundance available to all of us. She also reminds you of the abundance of help from the spiritual realm and nature

Did you know...
...Tourmaline only became known in Europe when Dutch sailors brought the stone from Sri Lanka?

Heart chakra

Zodiac sign
Pisces & Libra

Pink Tourmaline

Regeneration, Unconditional Love & the Divine Mother

Pink Tourmaline has a great love power that can heal very deeply. This stone relieves stress, brings emotional balance and nourishes the emotional body. She teaches you what unconditional love is and to love yourself unconditionally first. Pink Tourmaline helps you stay closer to your own heart and gives comfort when you are emotionally vulnerable. She promotes peace, relaxation, wisdom, compassion and stimulates receptivity to healing energies.

Pink Tourmaline strengthens the energy of giving and lets this energy come back to you as emotional nourishment. She softens thoughts and mental energy and makes them positive. This stone helps to recognize negative thoughts and release them. She heals and grounds old pain and sorrow, so that you can use the insights in your daily life and growth.

The nurturing energy of Pink Tourmaline brings out the energy of the Divine Mother. She brings you into a higher consciousness. Spiritually, Pink Tourmaline activates your sacred heart, aligns your consciousness with the angels and facilitates communication with Ascended Masters.

Did you know...
...Pink Tourmaline strengthens your masculine side?

Root Chakra , Sacral Chakra & Heart Chakra

Zodiac sign
Pisces , Scorpio , Aries & Libra

Watermelon Tourmaline

Kindness, Love & Emotional Balance

With its pink and green energy, Watermelon Tourmaline is a powerful stone for the heart chakra and the center of the self. She carries the energy of love, compassion, kindness, tolerance and goodness.

Watermelon Tourmaline helps you bridge the spiritual energy of the upper chakras (crown, third eye and throat) with the lower chakras (solar plexus, sacral and base) through the center of your chest (heart chakra) to bring heaven and earth together in you . She attracts healing, friendship and romantic love, while stabilizing and grounding our roots.

This stone carries the energy of the Divine for its properties of unconditional love and learning to embrace all aspects of your human nature. She promotes emotional balance and drama and hyperactive children. She helps to eat the right food, to exercise enough and to let go of unhealthy habits.

Watermelon Tourmaline increases the awareness of thoughts and helps to check whether these are positive thoughts. She will help you release the thoughts and energy that prevent you from achieving your goals. Use this stone to attract good energy and reveal your true divine nature.

Did you know...
...Tourmaline only became known in Europe when Dutch sailors brought the stone from Sri Lanka?

Zodiac sign
Pisces , Scorpio , Aries & Libra


Enlightenment, Higher Communication & Centered Spirituality

Tanzanite is a form of Zoisite that brings emotional, mental and spiritual enlightenment. It calms an overactive mind and aids in healing work by synchronizing the heart and brain. It helps soothe an overactive thyroid or depleted adrenal glands.

Tanzanite helps you feel more compassionate, loving and centered. It gives you insight into your emotional problems, but also prevents you from getting stuck in them unnecessarily. Tanzanite brings the energy of happiness and relief from worries.

Tanzanite activates the throat chakra, third eye and crown chakra and produces visions, messages and information from higher vibrational sources. It connects the heart and mind, allowing you to see situations, experiences and circumstances from the perspective of enlightened compassion. Tanzanite is good for psychotherapists and others who need to interpret emotional experiences intellectually. It can help empathetic people interpret any emotionally based information received intuitively. Tanzanite also helps to manifest your will.

Tanzanite aligns the heart and mind, enabling a balanced, centered experience of spirituality. For people with hyperactive minds who feel little emotional connection to others, Tanzanite may be the link to help ground mental energy through the emotional body.

Did you know...
…Tanzanite is also called Blue Zoisite?

Crown chakra

Zodiac sign


Abundance, Gratitude & Healing

This Garnet from Tanzania is connected to the planet Venus. Tsavorite is a stone of prosperity, prosperity and abundance. Although this stone is small, it is very powerful. Tsavorite brings healing to the base chakra in case of blockages and trauma, and helps to open, purify and activate this chakra with a healing, loving energy. It also opens and cleanses the heart chakra, improves vitality and increases zest for life, charity and benevolence. He helps you to tune into and follow your heart's desire.

Tsavorite helps overcome scarcity and other forms of financial anxiety. He teaches you gratitude for physical and spiritual wealth and nurtures your connection to the Divine source. He learns to relax, go with the flow and inspires service and cooperation. This stone helps to overcome challenges and gives both physical and emotional peace, strength and courage. He helps you get to know yourself, go within and see the hidden beauty in yourself and others.

Tsavorite helps you connect with higher dimensions, Angels and other spiritual beings. It aids in channeling, receiving visions and enhances psychic abilities and telepathy. Tsavorite accelerates physical healing from physical trauma and improves the flow of energy in the meridians and organs (such as the kidneys and heart). He helps you take responsibility for your healing process, find your own healing power and use it.

Did you know...
…Tsavorite was only rediscovered in 1967 in the mines of Northeast Tanzania

Heart chakra

Zodiac sign
Aries , Leo & Scorpio


Balance, Harmony & Insightful

Turquoise is the gemstone of balance. The gemstone can have a calming effect on you, but can also encourage you in challenging moments. This makes this gemstone very suitable for people who suffer from mood swings, fears or phobias.

Turquoise supports to find harmony in these anxious feelings, making it easier to deal with your own feelings and emotions.

Did you know...
...the Indians used to believe that Turquoise would make someone more beautiful, attractive and healthy? They considered Turquoise to be the shards of heaven.

throat chakra

Zodiac sign
Aquarius & Pisces

Silver Obsidian

Insight, Purity & Processing

Silver Obsidian is the gem of insight. From ancient wisdom, the gemstone appears to give access to purity and humility. As a result, Silver Obsidian appears to provide many new insights about yourself or your environment.

The gemstone supports the search for the truth and therefore provides insight into old emotions that are currently in the way.

Did you know...
... Obsidian was created by volcanoes? The gemstone consists of molten lava that has cooled so quickly that it has had time to crystallize.

Because of this, Obsidian is also called shiny volcanic glass.

Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra

Zodiac sign
Scorpio & Capricorn



The effect of gemstones comes from various sources. The meaning of gemstones has not been scientifically proven and everyone can experience this in their own way. If you have complaints about your health, we would like to advise you to see a doctor.
