Meaning of Maw sit sit
Inner reflection, Meditative & Optimism
In other words, Sit Sit is the gemstone of inner contemplation. It is the ideal stone to use in meditation. In other words, Sit Sit makes you see the beauty of the world again and also proves to be useful during more difficult phases in life. The Asians described Maw Sit Sit as 'a breath of fresh air that makes you feel refreshed after a busy day'.
Did you know...
...In other words, Sit Sit was only discovered in Burma (Myanmar) in 1963? The gemstone is named after the village located at the foot of the Himalayas where religious and healing consciousness has existed for thousands of years.
Heart Chakra (4th chakra) , Third Eye Chakra (6th Chakra) & Crown Chakra (7th chakra)